Thursday, November 5, 2009

John F. Kennedy, Gunslinger

Throughout the Dark Tower series, John F. Kennedy is mentioned as a modern-day gunslinger. You can imagine my surprise when I read the following footnote in Vincent Bugliosi's "Four Days in November", an in depth look at Kennedy's assassination:

"There was one red rose from (Jackie Kennedy's) the bouquet that did not make it into the hospital. Stavis Ellis, one of the Dallas police cyclists who had led the close-tailing presidential limousine to Parkland (Hospital) is among the large crowd of people who have swarmed around the emergency area in back of the hospital. After President Kennedy and Connally have been removed from the limousine, he can't resist the temptation to look inside the car. He sees several puddles of blood on the rear seat and floorboard. Right in the middle of one of those puddles lay a beautiful red rose."

Coincidence? I'm not sure I believe in random coincidences anymore ...


  1. Klo,
    Thanks for stopping in at my site.

    I am an avid fan of King works, and one of my favorites is "Insomnia" which I think is very intwined with the dark tower series.

    So glad to meet you! We are almost neighbors as I live in Norhthern Massachusets.

  2. Nice : ) Yeah, I can almost see Massachusetts from where I live lol. Also, your Anakin Skywalker picture--that's totally my AIM background : )

  3. Love the sith yellow eyes!

    Check out the new "The old republic" screen shots I have, very cool.

    How are you? So nice to meet a fellow fan "of things I like".

    I know they are making "the long walk" into a film, but the new "duma key" was good as well.

    I am going to the star wars in concert show on Nov 14th (boston garden), do you know about it??

  4. I too think that coincidences do not exist; things are just meant to be.;)
    Thank you so much for stopping by my place.;)

  5. Have you heard the good news?? Go to about three minutes in... New DT novel coming!

  6. Katie,

    Thanks for commenting on my blog! I'm following your now... :)

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